Castels - about Courtois in Zbirna Belgії: є Bagato Football, Yaki NOT ZGODNI ZHO TIMA

Today, 01:06 | Football
Кун Кастельс, getty images
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Vorotar Saudivsko al-Kadіsіya Kun Castels Rozennika Golkіper Madridsky Tibo Courtois Turn to the Zbirno Belgi. Yogo word to draw a midmid.


On the MIY I look, VSI RIVNI, I Zhoden Football is not standing for the team. I am not sensitive to feel, Yak VIN was stitched about Zvilnnnya Tedesko, to bring it - Domeniko Mav Ratsia. For me, svydchi, cquero is not vіdchuva.

Tse not the standards of the tedges, yaki I am entering the sporting sport for command. I do not want to be a part of the organized. Vidsogodni I am more not accessible for zbirno. I do not want to see in the roshtashuvannya of the National Proceedings of the Spockey Soul.

Є Bagato football, not the zgodny іz tim, pusk.

Meni tsikavo, pusk you say. On the right, the Bula is not in the situation in the situation, I became the Courtelee, the Buli of the Zrobenny Inshi Rechi, the Meni Bil was reproduced, ”said Castels.

Kun Castels Debutuvavu in Zbirniy Belgії in Vereshni 2020 Rock. H that hour vin Proviv for the National Team 20 Matchev.

Nagadamo, a piercing match of the zbirnykhnykhnykhny tu Belgії as part of the playoffs of the National National Beret, in the Ispanciy Mursai.

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