Barceloni's engrave with the negotiation of the peremnity of the contract

Today, 10:18 | Football
Іньякі Пенья, Getty Images
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Golkipper Barceloni Inyaki Peni can leave the club near the nearby Maybutnomu. Ispinets do not zeroil at half a p. 18 sikhn - vin sighed a competitive for the Mosets mainly Wojciechus.

Zgіnoye zudomosti magazine Matteo Moretto, talk Catalan club with Penyu for the new contract of Buli Freezing. Hempers want to often Grai, he will become zealous about vidhіd. Chinniy Dokogir Zachinchu in the middle 2026 Rock.

Behind the hardeners of Jerel, with the 26-risk gates, the Turkish Galatasarai has already rusted. Takozh behind the stroke of the proposal of the representatives of the la liga is the Anglіysko prem'r-lagi.

At the pile season of Inyaki Peni Proviv 22 matches for Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhaving missed 25 shots.

Wounded the dodged, the Barcelona.

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