NIKO VILILAMS: Attake - my sim’ya, I dumped the correct

Today, 15:55 | Football
Ніко Вільямс, Getty Images
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IPPANCIAL NIKO NIKO VILILAMS PERSUAL LITA BOV at the Poli Catalan Barceloni Zoro Blagranas, Vikupiti, the Gravtsia National Zbirnoi Ispanai, is one of the same vistupati in the storage "

Nini 22-rib viconavets, Dop-Magati Club Golden the results of the Yak on the inside, so I on the mines, about the ROZPOVIV in Ostannoma.

" Zv'yazov, Yaki MiMo widow club, Neumovirny. I do not think, Sho Knowyov Bi Taka atmosphere deinda. Minus Lit, I dumped Rishhennya, Yak Todi, I entered the correctness, I, I have a dies.

Yamal? Ulitka, as well, I shouted to him at the width to Marbeli. The skin, if it is Mali, can talk, vin Zzhzhdi, giving Meni, please the il units. We have good friendly Stosunki, I, I am awakened, on us is a bast of a great Maybutn.

Miy debut on San Mammesi-Circus Nebotniy. I cherished. Mai brother Todi all cheated. I have frightened yogo, Chi Men Grits, Bo is not mig at CTRITI. T -bouv moment, about the yaki I.. Especially come to the Dodom і Pobachiti, yak Usi cry vid joy.

Goal by fіnali єvro? For Menee, Mriya, Yaka ZdiS.. Just a zigrati at such a match - more than Neumovirno, and to flood the own goal? Usya my sim'ya sprinkled behind me at the herd. I mi -chrilled! Tse get stuck with a non -bonded spogad.

Mi in Athletic, it is known, we are important for us.. Yak team, mi is perpetily circulating, so yak і in bolugniki.

True Poleg, in the one, the zigrati fіnal, the Bulo Buimos Neumovirno is special. Peremoga at the fіnali will be a moment, I won’t forget.

Vistupati on the єvropian zmagans - czzhdi skewed. Atmosphere in San Mamamy Neumovirna. I have not been nikoli. Provine San Mams PID GIMN LIGI єvropi-Tsema-Tymovirno, and scorch the goals of the hunger-only the same to the same, ”said the Ispani Vikonavets.

Niko VILILAMS at the Tsomo season Zigrav already 34 matches, at the Yaki, having scored shihsty golvu tіddav sir Golovikh programs.

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