Yesterday, 01:16 | Football
Бені Макуана, ФК ЛНЗ
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LNZ at his own social forms, stirring about the PIDSISTISNENNED to the contract with Vinger Polssya Beni Makuan.

The Owndna of the Model is 22-rope Congolets, behind Danimi Transfermarkt, Rozrahova for one RIK.

Ninishy - the season of Makuan Proviv Sim Matchv without effective di.

At her worm, the Obolon was launched by Pavel Luke'yanchuk to the wax of the yuksi liGi.

28-rib Ukrainets Vistepa for " For Tsi hour VIN PROVIV 77 matches, having scored two M'yachi that viddav DVI Effective Port.

PISLA 20 TURIV LNZ gaining 22 points that is the sowing of the Mass in the UPL, and Yux Pershu completed half the season for the fourth MISTSI at the group of Pershi LiGi.

Based on materials: fc-lnz.com

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