Georges Mendesh: Fati Mati is more - at Barcelonі Vazhoko renormat Igroviy hour

05 March 2025, 22:28 | Football
Ансу Фаті, Getty Images
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Maibuttni Talanovich Vinger Catalan Barceloni Ansu Fati flood the Great Panni, especially on the ogi splivayuye contract 2027 Rock.

Football Agent Georges Mendesh, Yakiy Presentation of the 22 22-rime izantsya gvizniy gait, bumming the Maybutnes of his Klik.

" Barcelonі is folding in the firmly іigrovi hour, ” - quoted the words of Georges Mendesh magazine Fabrizio Romano.

Ansu Fati Vsogoye. Zakatka Roku Hans-Diter Flik Vimit Gravtzi Lesha one once-in the cup naughty barbastro 4.

Wounded, pusku Fati no longer zigrah for Barcelona in the Tsom season.

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