Adem: bungal Borussia

05 March 2025, 15:41 | Football
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Forward of Borussi.

Dortmundska Borussiy ahead of the introduction of Overendi Lille in the framework of 1/8 FINAL LIGI Chemopіniv Uff on the sovereign Poli.

Borussiy D - LILL 1: 1 Video Goliv that look at the match LIGI ChampionIV PISLEL PISLYNY MARS APPECTION "

" The team of Dyal Trokhi Nedbalo, and that we have a bolly, is a stupid of the stupid of the point.

The other Time did not particularly whistle Golovikh the moment. Mi guards Buli Vigravati on his own half. Tsoogo VIDs Vimagali.

Ale Tilki Pershi Time. Ahead of a friend of a friend. There is a male nickname all, ”saying Nimeskiy Vikonavets.


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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:
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