Stetskov Debutu for Carpathy in UPL in the Match

Yesterday, 20:39 | Football
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Became the wires of the teams for the 19th round of Ukraine prem'r-Ligi, and the lionvski Karpati lvils.

Lvilvski Karpati that Cherkasy LNZ Zigreyt at the Devyatnadsyt Touri Ukrainian Prem-Lіgy on the herd of central.

Vladislav Lupashko, Pslya Fores of the Kyivsky Dynamo (0: 2), healed to the Staskov starting warehouse in the center defense, Todi Yak Chachua turn to the center.

Roman Grigorchuk, on the overhead overflow of the Lviv rush (1: 0), Vikoristava Iz Pershin Pasich Tillya Pіd with an attacking.

Karpati: Kinarekin - Sich, Pedroso, Stetskov, Miroshnikhenko - Ochretko, Alvarez, Chachua - Pidleptynet, Krasnopir, Brunnyo.


Kemkin, Kirichka, Igor, Kvasnitsya, Klimenko, Chaban, Tanda, Kostenko, lightly, shah.

LNZ: Kucherenko - floods, ants, Daiko, dumbєv - Kushnіrenko, tank - g. Pasich, Till, Ennel - Momo.

Reserve: Samoilenko, Penkov, Salich, Kapliynko, Nonikashvil, Avagimyan, Boyko, Topalov, Naumets, Khalilala, Yakimenko, Assiinor.

Gra of Carpathies - LNZ get bad about 18:00 for the Kyiva hour. Slide for the text of the online transluchea on Football. UA.

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