Ancelotta: At the horseshoe duff Bagato - I for Madrid, I for Betis

Yesterday, 20:37 | Football
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The head coach of the Madrid Real Madrid Carlo Ancheelotti, who was commenting on the Maybutniy match izhpanskoo la Liki Aggress Betis.

" Chol of good organized management, pratsovitiy supernome, Yaki Maji іndivіdualnі, so I kolekotni an anchistry. Tse Boda Subtle match, Tom at the stake of Duzh Bagato - I for us, I for them.

Tomorrow I will wound up at half the team, BO TSH TO TOSHITHOVOVOVIVI GURS FOR BORROTBI for the title. Tse wake up an important match, I get wrestled by Vistaviti Nykraviks, do not think about the GRU at Vivtorok.

I am the wholesale hungry, the dinamik of our Vitviv Garnish. In the Ostanni Kilkh igrakh Miobre, they wound the rotatzia. Nashu Supernik є yakost, vin fight that snap. Tse grab, in the yakiy you can get through everything, pusk.

Z Ansensi all Garazd, vin.. VIN MAYARASTIKI, Schob Grati in Overseasi, Ale VIN INSHISHISNIK, NIZH LUKAS I Valverde. Yakshcho you have є Taky Vidkritiy Vіnger, yak Rodrigo, then you are not a train zahisnik, Yaki Bagato Presing. Vin Dazhe Yakisniy at Zakhisti.

Those who became with Bellingem, Bulo is unfair. I will not say more - Tse is not mine on the right.

Valverda is not injured by і vin.. VIN VIDCHUVAY LEAL DISCOUNTION IMO Yomu Trebtiyki hour.

Tomorrow yogo will not be, Ale vin is snest? offensive match. Mbapppe Gravei Grati - the problem of іz tooth yogo no more turbu.

Mi Bagato Divin talked about Kolekotnna Robot in the defense. Gravtsi Zhni on the Dumtsi, in the remaining matches їnya rumbled. Especially PISLA Match Iz Attletyko. Polivna on the RIVNI defense is obvious, ”-to bring the words Anchelotta Previte to the club.

Nagadami, match Real Betis - Real Madrid Vidbua tomorrow, 1 birch, about 19:30 for Kiyva.

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