Vlitka Nuna Maє Great Shancy to Pour Liverpool - Romano

Today, 16:22 | Football
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Similarly, Kerivnitsta Club was smushed in Uruguaytsev.

Liverpool Prepai to sell his attacking man Darvina Nunysa, Vice Fabrizo Romano.

Behind Danimi Jerel, to Lipnya Darvin Nunєs Bode, Zeredenii on Liverpulі, Ale Potim, the tsusky tossi. In Sіchnі on Nunysa, claiming the al-Nasr, Ale of the uustu was zirn.

Vidhіd nunysa vlitka is real, Yaki still discussed with the remains.

Nunes reached Liverpool in 2022 Rotsі for Suma in 85 million pounds.

On Rakhunk Darvina Nunysa, estimated by the Transfermarkt portal in 65 million єvro, shytikh m'yachiv, asysty in 36 ninishno campania.

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