Nazarenko turned to the starting warehouse half -hot for the match

Today, 16:02 | Football
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Became the wires of the teams for the 19th round of the Ukrainian prem'r-Ligi, Yakaku Zigrevy Kyivska Obolon Tu Zhitomirsky half.

Kyivska Obolon that Zhytomyrke half a day with the Od'ytatzadsye Turі Ukrainian Prem-Ligi on Obolon-Arena.

Sergiy Shishchenko, Pislya Peremost over Poltava Vorskley (1: 0), healing to the starting warehouse of the Primak to the center of the defense, Todi Yak Taranukha Gratim.

IMAD ASHUR, Peremosti over Petrovsky Ingults (1: 0), Vikoristava of the Bones of the Hwilin Vile in the Center defense, Todi Yak Krushinsky Tom Melnichenko at the center of the field, and Nazarenko turn to the liva flank of the attack.

Obolon: Marchenko - Stasyuk, Priimak, Dubko, Sukhanov - Vitentenchuk - Ilyan, Taranukha, Chernenko, Blіzizіchenko - Beachk.


Fedorsky, Ribka, Prokopenko, Lomnitsky, Kurko, Frost, Slobodyan, Ustimenko, Teslyuk, Yushko, Korsh, Feshchenko.

Halse: Voilinets - Masuradze, Viala, Chotenko, Mikhailchenko - Krushinsky, Melnichenko, Andriyvsky - Gutsulyak, Batista, Nazarenko.

Reserve: Kudrik, Suntsov, non -corporal, Matich, Taylor, Biton, Yosefi, Karaman, Gonzalvesh, Lєdnnv, Paishao.

Gra Obolon - half -hot to get minced about 13:00 for the Kyiva hour. Slide for the text of the online transluchea on Football. UA.

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