OFITSINO: Stepanenko Proviv Ostanniy Match for Shakhtar

30 January 2025, 03:47 | Football
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Ochika, dosvіdchini, Ukrainian opornik to crush the firing kar'yrnyikh at the Turechchini.

At the framework of the remaining main round of the LIGI, Chemopіniv Ufafa Donetskiy Shakhtar, who arrived at VIDA Dortmundsko Borussky 1: 3, having completed the whistles at the Central Council.

Yak Doldomlya Ofizina Preservor Girnikiv, Tsey Match for Zinal-Idun-Park, I am Ostannim for Bagator Kapitan "


Behind the front of INFORMATSIY, 35-rib Stepanenko to crush the firing Kar'rniy Shlyakh at Turechchinі, and the male of the team-the command, the srede of the Lidder of the Miss.

Nagadamo, Sho Taras Stepanenko Vistepavov for Shakhtar Z 2010 Rock, Proviv 439 matches, having scored 30 goals that viguv 25 trophys s "

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