Dynamo Kiev - Llapi 2:2 Video of goals and review of the friendly match

23 January 2025, 21:15 | Football
photo football.ua
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Watch the video of the most important moments of the control match, which will take place on 23 June 2025.

Dynamo Kiev played a draw against Kosovo Llapi (2:2) in the final test match.

The team of Oleksandr Shovkovskyy won the match in the 38th round with the help of Pikhalonka, who realized a penalty. Then, on the cob of another half, Voloshin took over the rootstocks from the rakhunku.

Regardless of the situation, the Kosovars won the game with a brace from Tahari, who both converted penalties.

Yours truly, video of the highlights of the friendly match between Dynamo Kiev and Llapi:.

Dynamo Kiev - Llapi 2:2 Goals: Pikhalonok, 38 (pen), Voloshin, 51 - Takhiri, 69 (pen), 88 (pen).

Dynamo Kiev: Buschan (Morgun, 46) - Karavaev, Dyachuk (Meparishvili, 76), Okon, Dubinchak - Salenko (Osypenko, 76), Rubchinsky, Bragaru (Gerich, 76), Yarmolenko (Voloshin, 46), Pikhalonok.

Llapi (starting warehouse): Chorich - Blakori, Yashari, Rama, Vokrri, Namani, Pechi, Baftiu, Gashyan, Veliu, Takhiri.

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