The Russian champion was punished in Dynamo Kiev by setting up an “army” with foot wraps and boots for him. Kanchelskis spoke ab

18 January 2025, 15:37 | Football
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Former Russian national team player Andrei Kanchelskis remembered how Russian champion (1999) Sergei Yuran was punished in Dynamo Kiev. The ex-player of Shakhtar Donetsk and English Manchester United responded in this way to the demarche of football players Bitello, Jordi Thompson and Victor Mendes, who did not arrive at the training camps of Dynamo Moscow, Orenburg and Krylya Sovetov, respectively..

The journalist asked 55-year-old Kanchelskis what punishment Mendes would have received in his time.

" Ask Yuran what his punishment was when he disappeared for a week. Lobanovsky sent him to the unit. You play football, and then suddenly - foot wraps, boots and “company, get up” at 6 in the morning. This is your punishment,” said Andrei Kanchelskis, a native of Ukraine, in an interview with SE..

Let us recall that Sergei Yuran began his career in the reserve team of Dynamo Kyiv at the end of 1987 and quickly proved himself to be a promising striker, scoring in each of the first six games of the reserve team’s 1988 season.. However, his development was almost stopped by a serious injury - in April 1988, Yuran suffered a fractured ankle.. After a year of treatment and rehabilitation, he returned to the field, scoring a hat-trick in the double match against Ararat..

Having gained a foothold in the reserve team, Yuran faced disciplinary problems, but thanks to the support of senior players and the intervention of coach Valery Lobanovsky, he corrected his behavior. In 1990, Yuran became a first-team player and helped Dynamo win the USSR Cup and championship, and also made his debut in the USSR national team.

On the international stage, Juran distinguished himself in the Cup Winners' Cup matches, especially in the games against Barcelona..

His successes attracted the attention of European clubs, and in 1991 he signed a contract with Lisbon Benfica, ending the Kiev stage of his career, which Juran himself considered one of the most important. In just 31 matches he scored 15 goals.

Last year, Kanchelskis made a controversial statement about the football of the aggressor country. He called it a big bolt and called on players and coaches to move to Europe, but added that representatives of the Russian Federation deserve to play exclusively in top championships.

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