Manchester City is ready to pay 60-65 million euros for Cambiazo – Di Marzio

16 January 2025, 22:00 | Football
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The Gravity's agreement with the Turin club is insured until the summer of 2029.

The head of Juventus Turin, Andrea Cambiaso, can continue his career in the English Premier League. Gianluca di Marzio tells us about this.

For information from Gerela, the services of the 24-hour Italian booking company Manchester City, which is ready to pay for a new 60-65 million euros.

With this, it is agreed that the “old Signory” team wants to earn more for their envoy, and the “Mistyans” will now offer Andrea a contract for five years with the possibility of extending it for another season.

Cambiazo played 25 matches this season, scoring two goals and providing two assists. Yogo contract with Juventus until summer 2029.

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