Nantes signed goalkeeper Lyon Lopes

31 December 2024, 16:24 | Football
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Insurance contract for six months with the possibility of extension for two more months.

Nantes on its official website voted about the signing of a contract with Lyon goalkeeper Anthony Lopes.

The agreement with the 34-year Portuguese is insured until the summer of 2025, and there is an option to extend the contract for two years.

Until then, Anthony played exclusively for Lyon, he is a vihovanets of some kind. There have been 489 matches so far this year, including 157 clean sheets for 574 goals conceded.. Also tested 14 games at the Portugal prefabricated warehouse.

Lopes did not appear on the field this season.

After 15 games, Lyon has scored 25 points and takes fifth place in Lysie 1, and Nantes has 12 points and 16 rows.

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