De la Fuente was recognized as the longest-serving coach of the 2024 national team by IFFHS

24 December 2024, 22:42 | Football
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In 2024, the Spanish national team became the European champion.

The head coach of the Spanish national team, Luis de la Fuente, was recognized as the longest-serving coach of national teams in 2024 according to the International Federation of Football History and Statistics IFFHS.

The 63-year-old Spaniard scored 274 points, ahead of Argentina national team coach Lionel Scaloni (148) and Diedie Deschamps (35), who favors France.

Also finishing in the top 10 were Gareth Southgate (England), Emerson Fae (Cote d'Ivoire), Julian Nagelsman (Nimeccia), Nestor Lorenzo (Colombia), Vincenzo Montella (Tureccia), Villi Sagnol (Georgia) and Marcelo B'.

We can guess whose team of Spain won the European Championship, winning 14 matches out of 17.

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