Inzaghi: We can give it to Como

24 December 2024, 17:15 | Football
Сімеоне Індзагі, Getty Images
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Inter Milan head coach Simeone Inzaghi commented on his team's victory in the Serie A match against Como (2:0).


The first half did not have as much pain as they normally would, and the field was also not at its best. We played against the teams that we were fighting against, but we knew that if only we had enough money, we could take the situation under control, and so it happened.

The fight for the place is raging on the Internet. I have the opportunity to work with the chosen warehouse for the benefit of Inter. Citizens are guilty of continuing to do this, and they are denying their chance,” quotes Inzaghi Football-Italia.

On Football. ua available for viewing video review of the Inter - Como match.

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