Flamengu will not extend the contract with 37-year-old David Luis

23 December 2024, 20:24 | Football
photo football.ua
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The footballer revokes the status of a free agent.

Brazilian defender and ex-Chelsea and Arsenal star David Luiz will not continue his career with Flamengo. The club will not continue the contract with the 37-year-old Brazilian national team player.

“The Flamengo club has decided not to continue the contract with the central defender David Luiz, which was announced in a week.

We would like to recognize our team for their dedication, professionalism and titles that we have achieved together with the “Manto Sagrado” team. We wish you success in your new career. Apparently, David Luis, you are part of the history of Mengao,” according to Flamengu’s statement.

Let's remember that David Luis is playing for Flamengo from spring 2021.

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