Ashur: What is now from Makuan? Yak bachite, vochevid, mi "

21 November 2024, 20:24 | Football
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Kermanich Polissya rospovi about the team's camp after the recovery.

Advances of the Ukrainian Premier League after the fall international break, the head coach of Zhytomyr Poliss, Imad Ashur, gave an interview to the club’s team members, who have an opinion about the team’s position at the current moment in the season.

“Today will be the first day of the five-day training cycle, the sixth day will be gra, the standard cycle for us. The rest of the time this is an irregular blessing for us.

Today we have turned to the standard pre-training cycle, after the gym, training with average and average-great athletes, collective technique completed, game to the right - everything is according to plan.

Roughly, two graves will turn tomorrow, and also, two more graves the day after tomorrow. We hope to get an important majority of them for three training sessions before the game..

What is now from Makuan? Yak bachite, vochevid, mi " Having rejuvenated, today is the beginning of full-time training. Beni recognized an injury during the first break in the national team, during the friendly game.

After going through the process of renewal, quietly, calmly. As before, the training process did not have any nutrition, and through the process itself was sufficiently fluid. It’s clear that the totality of Benya’s injuries overlapped one on one, but it’s impossible to transfer them. Today is the first full-time training, which is very pleasing.

I’m also glad that all the previous tests, which were completed, showed that physical and medical care doesn’t matter anything. We will step by step balance the advance, step by step add it, and then how your body will react. We will understand to what extent it is possible to provide insurance for his presence on the field in the near future. Yak, don’t tell us, we were rejected.

We understand that at the time of such a calendar we need to obtain the maximum number of graves. And if in the singing position in us the gravets gets injured, then it becomes quite important. Let's marvel at how the upcoming matches will have a schedule of enough attractions, the finish line will be right before the winter season. We are confident that the returns that have occurred, and Beni, and Paixao, that before the winter break there will be fewer surprises.

Functionally Beni needs to be added immediately. These tests, which were carried out, were carried out in conjunction with individual robots. Without changing directly, from Vibukhov’s actions, you will need to know the game tone. This is exactly how you want to start a singing hour and completely take part in the matches. Ale tse lishe food hour.

Find out how ready you are as close as possible to the end of the first micro-cycle. Closer to the time of development, it is possible to understand physical conditions, after which you will go through a period of re-adaptation to group exercises. The hour will tell, we can now be glad that we have turned to the secret group. Let’s wait for what will last,” said the Ukrainian fakhivets.

The upcoming match of Zhytomyr Polissya will be held at home against Lugansk Zori on 25 November.

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