Silvino: Albania played really poorly in the first 15 minutes of the match against Ukraine

20 November 2024, 20:56 | Football
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The coach criticized his students.

Head coach of the Albanian national team Silvino commented on his team’s home defeat in the 6th round of the group stage of the League of Nations 2024/2025 against B1 quartet Ukraine (1:2).

\? To the one who spent the first 15 minutes of the match really badly.

We missed on the 5th and 10th hvilins. On such a high level it is unacceptable. We paid a very high price for power benefits.

Along the way, the players changed the game pattern from 4-2-3-1 to 4-3-3. We saw that after the break, Ukraine had reached the gates of power, which allowed our team to move forward and play with a large number of attacking players,” respecting Silvigno.

On Football. ua is available for viewing the video review of the match Albania - Ukraine.

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