De la Fuente: There was nothing on the field that Spain didn't find

16 November 2024, 17:31 | Football
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Kermanich of Spain commented on the victory over Denmark.

The Spanish team beat Denmark on the front line in the fifth round of the UEFA Nations League.

Denmark - Spain 1:2 Video of goals and review of the National League match After the end of the game, head coach of the Furies Roja, Luis de la Fuente, commented on the performance of the powerful team.

" We would like to give the Danes a shout out for their very shanoblivu khvilina movchannya.

Tim is no less, today they deprived the field of even happy ones. Our opponents wanted to fight until the end of the next round and we knew that this would be a very important and difficult match. We had a number of good phases, and in the end we are satisfied with the result.

There was nothing on the field that we wouldn’t have caught. First of all, we can welcome the Gravians, because the stench smacks of a lot of different fruits and every day the stench amazes us with different approaches, and also suffers for the result.

Injuries? It’s important that the situation develops. Bayeni has problems with his ankle, but it doesn’t seem serious. Subimendi has a problem with his stitches, so he wanted him to run normally.

This situation allows us to refresh the team on Monday, which we are preparing.

We will always have a shoutout. The name of Spain is of great importance to the football world and puts a premium on us, and we will try to play well in the offensive game in order to overcome. With this, we will henceforth talk about the Gravians and will not take upon ourselves the fierce rizik,” said the Spanish Fahivets.

For the final tour, Spain will host Switzerland.

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