The Swiss U-21 national team player finished his career in 22nd place - he didn’t want to “cross God”

12 November 2024, 17:03 | Football
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A remarkable turn has taken place in the football world.

The central director of the Austrian Blau-Weiss Sylvan Wallner praised the decision to complete his career. Blick informs you about this.

The reason for this behavior of the Swiss was religion. The 22-year-old football player is a follower of one of the straight lines of Protestantism, which defends the practice and play of football on Saturdays.

And the few matches in the Austrian championship often fall on the same day, so I clearly realized that I can no longer go against religion, so I’ll end up with professional football.

It is significant that Wallner moved from Blau-Weiss from Zurich to the cob of spring. For the club from Lenz, the player played 5 matches and earned 1 card. A 3rd grade football player at the warehouse of the Swiss youth team U-21.

It was previously reported that Strotman had completed his professional career.

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