Milana doubts that Hernandez needs a salary increase

12 November 2024, 15:44 | Football
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The Frenchman wants to sign a new agreement.

Historian Theo Hernandez wants to sign a new contract with Milan, which would require an increase in wages. The Frenchman currently earns 4.5 million euros per season.

During the hour of negotiations, Theo requested a salary of 6.5 million euros. As CalcioMercato reports, Milana doubts that Hernandez’s financial appetite needs to be satisfied. Through these doubts, the negotiation process is galling.

Theo Hernandez's employment plan with Milan is insured until mid-2026.

According to the reputable portal Transfermarkt, the 27-year-old football player is valued at 60 million euros.

It was previously reported that Chelsea was planning to bring in Maignan.

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