Manchester United commented on Van Nistelrooy's move

12 November 2024, 13:22 | Football
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We hope that “Van Gol” will not be without work forever.

Manchester United confirmed the resignation of head coach Ruud van Nistelrooy. To find out more, go to the official website of the Mancunian club.

" We thank you for your contribution and those who have fulfilled their role during every hour of work in the club. You will once again be a welcome guest at Old Trafford. “We are confirming the new coaching staff of the first human team in the near future,” reads the official statement to the club.

Krim van Nistelrooy's team was also removed from the team: assistant head coach Rene Gacke, goalkeeper coach Jelle ten Ruvelaar and analyst Peter Morel.

It was previously reported that Van Nistelrooy joined Manchester United on the initiative of Amorim.

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