Pervak: Unsurprising zeros on the scoreboard in the game against Ingulets

09 November 2024, 14:46 | Football
Віталій Первак, фото ФК Лівий Берег
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Kyiv's Libyan Coast played a game against Peter's Ingulets on the Vlasnoye field in the thirteenth round of the Ukrainian Premier League.

Liviy Bereg - Ingulets 0:0 Video of the highlights and review of the UPL match After the completion of the game, Lelek head coach Vitaly Pervak \u200b\u200bcommented on the performance of the powerful team.

\? Unsurprising zeros on the scoreboard - that’s for sure. Even if the teams were offended, they fought more, and they gave each other more damage. Some turned out better for three rubles, others didn’t, but I think the result is natural.

Zhodna team did not win. Fighter's bones have never touched anyone on the football field. And those who did not receive the final pass....

Moment from the penalty spot? I don't care about this episode. Ale meni Prikhodko said that the stink there from Kislenko one shook hands and the ball was far away. I can't say anything about this drive.

So, rotation at the warehouse is.

Today Grandfather skipped the match through the selection of the dead, Kosovsky and Prikhodko - the results are more constructive. But nothing came of them, Galas disappeared on the field at the first half. Let's try to give everything a chance.

Citizens must exercise their right to play at the core, no one should worry about how the stench develops throughout the current cycle,” said the Ukrainian Vikonavit.

In the upcoming tour, the Kiev Libyan Coast is hosting the Lviv Rukh.

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