Wood achieves two historic achievements in the Premier League

09 November 2024, 12:39 | Football
Кріс Вуд, Getty Images
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Nottingham Forest center forward Chris Wood was recently voted the best Premier League player in history.

According to the official website of the English Championship, the 32nd Vikonavier became both the first representative of this club and the first New Zealander who succeeded in making this city.

" This is fantastically beyond reach. This is the merit of the entire team, the way they work. I couldn't have achieved anything without them. The stench overwhelms me with all my might, so it’s good that I quickly deal with it,” said Wood.

It is significant that this week, the 10th leaf fall, Nottingham Forest will host Newcastle United (11th round of the Premier League).

Chris will have the opportunity to score a goal in the fifth match of the tournament for the first time in his career.

According to this report, the most effective shots in ten matches in the English Championship 2024/25. Together with Brian Mbemo, he takes another place in the ranking of top scorers, losing three goals to Erling Goland.

We also remember that the Kerman Nottingham Forest coach, Nuno Espirito Santo, became the longest-serving coach of the Premier League..

Based on materials: premierleague.com

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