In compensation until the next half, the Zhytomyr club Mav will deny the right to a penalty.
In the 12th round of the Ukrainian Premier League, Polissya had minimal defeats against Oleksandriya with a score of 0:1, the last match was not completed without superstitions and dissatisfaction on the side of the representatives of the Zhytomyr club through non-appointments.
The head expert for the UAF arbitration, Nicola Rizzoli, analyzed this episode, which influenced the result, and confirmed the pardon of the head referee Sandor and the VAR referee Blavatsky “This super-precious situation is very complex for analysis. The referee is in a good position, so as not to allow contact between the hand and the ball, the fragments of it are covered by the bodies of the players. This does not allow him to appreciate the position of the defender’s hand, which is already wide apart from the body. It's hard to fight for a ball that's flying from afar. Zahisnik No. 26 risks moving his arm in such a position if attacker Polissya No. 80 tries to shoot through the goal.
The situation is even super sad, it’s not easy to assess.
Including, through the brightness of the image. However, the dynamics of the ball's flow shows that this game situation promotes punishment. . . For these specific reasons, the arbitrator could not distinguish important elements, since the bodies of the Gravians were covered. Looking at the video on the field allows you to understand the entire possible situation, hand position, point of contact and make the right decisions,” Rizzoli is quoted as saying by the official website of Polissya.