Romy's winless streak died in six months

08 November 2024, 19:59 | Football
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Piv rock without victory for the Roman club.

Roma failed to beat Belgian Union (1:1) in the fourth round match of the main stage of the European League..

The result of this match continued the unpleasant series of appearances against the Italian club on the road. Roma cannot beat their opponents away from home on the 25th quarter of 2024. The remaining team, as it fell to the Romans at home - Udinese.

The greatest series in the history of the club was recorded from the beginning of 1950 to the spring of 1951. The team has not played away in 30 matches.

Yours truly, video of the highlights of the match between Union and Roma in the 4th round of the main round of the 2024/25 Europa League.

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