Oleksandriya beat Poliss in the central match of the 12th round of the UPL

03 November 2024, 21:55 | Football
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Imad Ashur’s team did not win the remaining three matches in Zhodny, while Ruslan Rotan’s team once again topped the tournament table.

Read about the match later on our website.

Oleksandriya - Polissia 1:0 Goal: Smyrniy, 83 Oleksandriya: Yermakov - Kravchenko, Kampusch, Shabanov, Martinyuk - Kozak (Kovalets, 63), Kalyuzhny, Mishnyov (Smyrnyy, 62) - Bezerra (Kopina, 90+2), Filippov (.

Polissia: Kudryk - Mikhailichenko, Vialle, Sarapiy, Smolyakov - Krushinsky (Talles, 82), Babenko, Lednev (Mustafaev, 68) - Gutsulyak, Paishao (Wendell, 55), Nazarenko.

Next: Kovalets, Martinyuk - Nazarenko, Smolyakov, Babenko, Sarapiy.

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