Pozdiev: Scoring a goal near Shakhtar's goal? I didn't understand the situation

19 October 2024, 13:36 | Football
Олександр Поздєєв, фото ФК Колос Ковалівка
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Previously, Kovalivsky Kolos lost to Donetsk Shakhtar on the Vlasny field in the tenth round of the Ukrainian Premier League.

Kolos - Shakhtar 0:1 Video of the goal and review of the UPL match After the end of the game, head coach of the Black and Whites Oleksandr Pozdiev shared his feelings about the team’s performances.

“I’ll cover this damage even more, and even the boys deserve more. They report great performances both in training and in matches.

More radium through the tse, more progress. However, I’m saddened that their share is not worth it.

Skasuvannya gola? I didn't understand the situation. And the referees, they praised such a decision. Chantly, like a foul, because the stinks praised such a decision.

Skoda, this is a very emotional moment. This is our path, we need to go through it,” said the Ukrainian fakhivets.

Kovalivsky Kolos will play the upcoming match away from Zhytomyr Poliss.

Based on materials: koloskovalivka.com

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