Rummenige: The old format of the Champions League will become boring

17 October 2024, 15:56 | Football
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The representative of Bavaria announced that there would be changes in the format of the tournament.

Member of the Bavaria watchdog Karl-Heinz Rummenigge in his remaining commentary expressed his support for the club's participation in the new format of the UEFA Champions League.

" Now it’s easier to qualify for the playoffs, which is good for good clubs. Emotionally speaking, that’s true.

I predict that patients will gradually appreciate the new phase of the league more.

UEFA has no intention of creating a balance or competing with the Super League. When I was still at the Royal Committee of this organization, we often discussed how we could create a group stage..

A chess professional from Dortmund presented a different format in Lisbon, and I thought about what we could ask to make the games more fun.

The final group stage will be transferred.

Just like the old little FIFA club championship. You knew that there you would beat the one who won the UEFA Champions League. And the worst thing about football is nothing,” said the German functionary.

It’s safe to say that Rummenigge previously commented on the renegotiation of goalkeeper Manuel Noer for a new contract.

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