Dovbik: If you compare with the first matches, then the number of points is a greater or less good result

15 October 2024, 18:39 | Football
Артем Довбик, Getty Images
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As part of the fourth round of the League of Nations in Group B1, the national teams of Ukraine and the Czech Republic met in head-to-head competition with Polish Wroclaw. Sergiy Rebrov’s team did not realize the potential of the other half and shared points with the Czechs (1:1).

Blue and White forward Artem Dovbik, who converted the penalty early in the second half, shared his feelings about the result of the last match.

" Today I felt more good, but at the end of the match I was already tired - the coach made a substitution. The coach's decision, vin bachit, if there are enough desires.

The Czech Republic is a very good team. I know one Gravian who was in Girona.

It’s very good today against me, and his partner is also. The moments were intense, but there was no cold-bloodedness in the final episodes.

If we compare with the first matches, then if you score points, the majority is a good result for us. All the three rubles are exhausted, but the points are gone. I wanted six,” quotes Artem Dovbyk from Suspilne Sport.

You can watch the video of the goals and watch the match between Ukraine and the Czech Republic on Football. ua.

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