Yarmolenko played his 500th match at the warehouse of the Ukrainian teams

08 October 2024, 20:35 | Football
Андрій Ярмоленко, УПЛ
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The match of the 9th round of Dynamo - Kryvbas, becoming the 500th anniversary for Dynamo player Andriy Yarmolenko, will be held in the warehouse of Ukrainian teams at all tournaments.

In the Ukrainian Championship Yarmolenko scored 252 games, in the Ukrainian Cup - 29, in European Cups - 89, in the Ukrainian Super Cup - 6, for the national team of Ukraine - 124.

As a representative of Dynamo Yarmolenko, prov 375 igor, Desni - 1.

The first game of Andriy Yarmolenko on top was played on September 11, 2006 in the Desny warehouse in the away cup game with Niva (Ternopil, 2:0).

Yarmolenko has 195 goals: 109 in the UPL, 19 in the Cup, 21 in European cups and 46 in the national team.

Guess what, Yarmolenko fought off a recurrence of injury in the match against Kryvbas.

Based on materials: upl.ua

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