The legendary Johann Neeskens died

08 October 2024, 10:06 | Football
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Great waste for the football world.

A huge player of the Amsterdam Ajax, the Catalan Barcelona and the Dutch national team, Johann Neeskens pishov from life at the age of 73 years. This is reported on the official website of the Royal Netherlands Football Association.

It appears that Neeskens died on the 6th of June.

Having suffered from illness, they were on their way to the WorldCoaches project in Algeria.

At the warehouse of the Netherlands in the hours of the legendary Rhinus Michels, Neeskens became the middle medalist at the World Championships in 1974 and 1978 and won bronze at the European Championship in 1976.. Johann Neeskens also won the European Cup with Ajax three times and became the winner of the Spanish Cup and the Volodymyr Cup Winners' Cup at the Barcelona warehouse.

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