Kosenko: We are in the top four teams in the world – that’s fantastic

30 September 2024, 14:08 | Football
photo football.ua
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The coach of the Ukrainian national futsal team is satisfied with the historical success.

Ukrainian national futsal coach Oleksandr Kosenko commented on the victory over Venezuela in the quarterfinals of the 2024 Emergency (9:4).

\! We are so happy! We are in the top four teams of the world – it’s fantastic! I say this to all the boys, I say this to all the patients, to everyone who supports us, to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who give us blessings here.

I will say this from now on, because this is most important, in my opinion.

And the boys delight all the sick and sick with their incredible play, incredible self-sacrifice, incredible mastery. I'm already writing with them!

Mi even more robots have sounded. The boys worked really hard and they fought on the Maidan. This work was not in vain and it is even more important for development, if you work and everything works out for you,” Kosenka quotes the website of the Futsal Association of Ukraine.

Ukraine suddenly became a finalist in the World Futsal Championship.

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