Karabin: I'm in a good mood after playing with Dynamo Rukh

26 September 2024, 22:51 | Football
photo football.ua
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The team is preparing for the match against Kolos.

Rukh forward Yaroslav Karabin Rozpov, as the team prepares for the UPL 8th round match against Kolos, which will take place on the 29th of Wednesday.

" We follow a standard training cycle and prepare for the match with Kolos.

This is a good team and we should definitely reach this game.

It can be seen that the Kovalivtsi are organized in defense, and also play well in attack.

It’s nice to play at home, because supporting sick people is important for Rukh. When we play in Lvov, it becomes clear that the fans push us forward, which gives the players energy. Behind such an atmosphere there is great hope of victory and quieting the spies.

We hope people come to the stadium to cheer us on. I would like there to be this wonderful atmosphere in the stands in the match against Kolos,” said Karabin.

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