Van Leeuwen: Metalist 1925 is growing as a team

17 September 2024, 19:10 | Football
ван леувен, м-25
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Head coach of Metalist 1925 Patrick van Leeuwen showed up after defeating Viktoria (2:0) in Pershaya Liza.

" Garna gra na flanzi vid Sten, and Yurchenko was there, where and in. It is good to learn from the gravity of those that we work on in training. On the other half, here they spent their daily wages, there was no organization in the activities of the zakhista. There are a few bad counter-attacks, which means that you can play well and carefully manage the ball before scoring another goal.. Garna attack, they earned a penalty, which they realized. After that it became clear that I can overcome today without spending it.

If we were vied, we spent the organization of the game at the defense, they badly pressed the supernik, as we may have to do. So, it was 10-15 hvilin, where the supernik of Vikon had a lot of hangings, and in the wind the Imereks played with Saluk, and Varakuta won. The team showed character, showed that they wanted to overcome, turned the game around, carried out several strong attacks, caught their opponent in their fights.

Not yet the ones I want in my pouch.

We have been working together for less than a month, the stinks are now coming to demonstrate their fervor. I didn’t do a lot of hard training, so the stench wouldn’t demonstrate their jealousy. With this in mind, as a team, our coaching staff is doing everything possible to play better. There are still important moments when the opponent manages to overwhelm the initiative, at which point we have to take it, we have to move the ball and control the game,” said van Leeuwen.

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