Alex Telles - about Ronaldo: He has power in any food through his image and achievement

17 September 2024, 08:42 | Football
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The Brazilian is back in the same team as the Portuguese.

Brazilian Botafogo newcomer Alex Telles talked about his awesome teammate Cristiano Ronaldo. Quote from the Brazilian lateral A Bola.

" Through his image, his reachable thought plays an even more important role.. If Cristiano Ronaldo is on the right side, a great team will be formed soon. Obviously, you want to take the greatest responsibility with you.

Floating Ronaldo on my crossing to An-Nasr? You called me when they started talking about it. He said: “Come to Saudi Arabia and enjoy yourself, the country is now opening up for football.”.

When I was still in negotiations, he called me and said that he controls everything.

You are responsible for doing everything for you in advance, as Ronaldo himself asked you to do..

Ronaldo has a lot of natural products and always wonders what’s in other people’s plates. We were really afraid to take dessert. We knew that we should take care of our body, we wanted to inherit your butt. Just an hour, if you absorbed protein after lunch. “After 15 days, there were already nearly 20 types of protein on the table, and the people asked nutritionists to give it to them to see what the magic was,” Telles said..


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