League of Nations. Denmark clashed with Serbia, dramatic draw in Gibraltar and other matches

09 September 2024, 11:54 | Football
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Four more matches in another round of the new tournament campaign have ended.

Within the framework of another round of the UEFA Nations League 2024/25, the week of April 8, there were more matches.

Denmark scored the ball at the Serbian goal in two halves, gaining three points.

Denmark - Serbia 2:0 Goals: Groenbeck 36, Poulsen 61 Denmark: Schmeichel - Christensen, Vestergaard, Andersen - Ba, Geibjerg, Nergaard (Julmann 60), Kristiansen (Frendrup 81) - Groenbeck (Isaksen 60.

Bulgaria - Pivnichna Ireland 1:0 Goal: Despodov, 40 Bulgaria: Mitov - Popov, Petkov, Atanasov, Nuremberger - Kirilov (Dimitrov, 72), Kostadinov (Petrov, 78), Gruev - Despodov (Ivanov, 78), in (Akhmedov. Charles, Seville, Lewis - Bradley, D. Charles (Laveri, 59), Price (McCann, 82) Next: Akhmedov, Nurnberger - Sh. Charles, McNair, Bradley, G'yum Slovakia in the match against Azerbaijan placed a pouch rakhunok on the scoreboard behind the pouches in the first half.

Slovakia - Azerbaijan 2:0 Goli: Duda 22 (pen. ), Sagittarius, 26 Slovakia: Dubravka - D'jember, Shkriniar, Obert, Gancko (Kozlovski, 90+3) - Kutska, Lobotka, Duda (Benesh, 71) - Suslov (Durish, 71), Sagittarius (Bozhenik, 84). Khuseynov, 37), Mammadov, B. Khuseynov (Aliev, 70), Dzhafarkuliev - Dzhamalov (Diniev, 78), Mustafaev (Sheydaev, 46), Isaev - Kekchu (Nuriev, 46), Dadashov, Bayramov Succession: Seydiev, Dzhafarkuliev, Bayramov, єв Gibraltar dramatically spent the battle over Liechtenstein.

Gibraltar - Liechtenstein 2:2 Goals: Walker 8, Scanlon 90+7 - Saglam 53, Gasler 90+14 (pen.

) On the 82nd century, Walker did not convert the penalty (goalkeeper save) Gibraltar: Banda - Jolly (Valarino, 73), Lopes, Ennsley, Olivero - Walker (Casc'jaro, 90+10), Bent, Torilla, Britto - Scanlon,. Buchel - Beck, Weser, Heppel (Martin Marxer, 87) - Mayer, Hasler, M. Buchel (Wolfinger, 87), Seele, Kindle (Marco Marxer, 75) - Luke-Notaro (Netzer, 75), Saglam Poperedzhennia: Olivero, Torilla, Bartolo, Britto, Ennsley - Weser, Luke-Notaro, M. Buchel, Kindle, Mayer, Seele, Netzer.

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