Roque: I thought there would be a different stage in Barcelona

07 September 2024, 16:48 | Football
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Last winter, Barca placed great hopes on the Brazilian, but.

The Brazilian striker of Barcelona Vitor Roque, who is on loan at the Betis warehouse, confirmed the period with the Catalan club. Globo.

" I had the capacity, but not the same as I had. Now my head is clear, I thank Betis and God for the opportunity to wear the Brazil national team jersey again.

I thought that everything would be different: both those as they were placed before me, and those as I engraved, and those as the Kerivnitsa followed me. But now it’s behind me, I’m glad that I’ve given up the opportunity to play in Betis and wear the national team shirt again,” Roque said.

This season, Vitor Roque won 33 games for Betis against the Spanish La Lisa.

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