Kahn – about association with Bavaria: Club Bavaria before politicization

06 September 2024, 22:41 | Football
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Oliver Kahn speaks about the dismissal of the General Director of Bavaria.

\? No. I would like to take advantage of this skill and would like to earn it. Communicating the economic, sporting and sporting-political aspects of the activities of a global club is what I want to do.

For me, the inner lining is to give back to the club for which I played for 14 years. But in such a world, like Munich, it is very difficult to make necessary changes and go in new directions.

Today, the changes we made were absolutely right for Bayern..

The world of business has a good message: “Culture drives strategy to the bottom”. In other words: the company’s culture is always stronger than its strategy, no matter how promising it may seem.

I'm amazingly smart. Ale football club Bayern is already politicized, and forces to act in different directions. Taking control of it is the biggest problem,” Kahn said.

The great goalkeeper of Bavaria has lost the position of the general director at Travna 2023.

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