The Left Bank turned over the move against Veres

01 September 2024, 19:24 | Football
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Valeriy Pervak’s team, following the first ever victory in the UPL, achieved success and is on the road.

Read about the match later on our website.

Veres - Left Bank 1:3 Goals: Stepanyuk, 15 - Prikhodko, 66, Galas, 81, Dedukh, 87 (pen. ) On the 34th Khvylini Mikola Gaiduchik (Veres) without scoring a penalty (crossbar).

Veres: Kozhukhar - Gakman, Goncharenko, Vovchenko, Shevchenko - Kutsia (Klyots, 46), Yago (Kucherov, 75) - Sharai (Luan, 67), Stepanyuk, Dakhnovsky (Smiyan, 83) - Gaiduchik (Mrvalevich, 76).

Left Bank: Mekhanov - Sokolov, Semenov, Shapoval, Dudarenko - Grandfather, Banada (Galas, 65) - Sinitsya (Kosovsky, 90), Spivakov (Prikhodko, 65), M. Kohut (Voitsekhovsky, 65) - Sukhoruchko (Litovchenko, 90+3).

Next: Kutsia, Sharai, Iago - Sukhoruchko.

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