Futsal. Costa Rica – Ukraine 0:4 Video of goals and review of the match

23 August 2024, 15:13 | Football
photo football.ua
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Watch the video of the best moments of the friendly match that took place on September 22, 2024.

The Ukrainian futsal team beat Costa Rica (4:0) in the opening match of a friendly tournament in Portugal..

Already in the third round, Abakshin was ahead of the “blue-zhovtikh”, and after 10 minutes Semenchenko appeared at the opponent’s gate.

In the middle of the second half, Shoturma increased the advantage of Oleksandr Kosenko’s team, and Farenyuk put the remaining spell in the match.

Ukraine will play its upcoming match against Cuba. It will be today at 22:30 outside Kiev.

Review of the match:.

Costa Rica - Ukraine 0:4 Goals: Abakshin, 3, Semenchenko, 13, Shoturma, 29, Farenyuk, 36.

Ukraine: Sukhov - Zvarich, Korsun, Chernyavsky, Shoturma; Tsipun, Semenchenko, Mikityuk, Pedyash, Melnik, Zhuk, Abakshin, Farenyuk, Shved.

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