Pozdiev - after a disagreement with Ingulets: We want to create more, but it’s important for us to get scoring chances

11 August 2024, 16:03 | Football
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The Kovaliv team was unsuccessful at the start of the championship.

Kovalevsky Kolos head coach Oleksandr Pozdiev commented on the draw result in the match with Ingulets (0:0) in the 2nd round of the Ukrainian Premier League. Yogo words induce UPL TB.

" We don’t just have a problem in fighting, we have a lot that needs to be improved. The road is thorny, the road is uneasy. I would like to paint everything as soon as possible, but.

I wouldn’t say that anything with Ingulets is a waste of a point. The super has had some really good moments. Ingulets is a strong team, they did much better in the match against Zorey. It's not just the struggle that's our problem today. We are trying to paint a lot of components, but it’s easier to create a little bit more.

If it’s global, then we have just one more scoring moment. It’s difficult for me to say that it’s possible to not score in such situations. Ale, yak mi bachimo, this is reality.

I want to create more, but again, in order to create - it’s not just one gear, you need to put together a puzzle. While we are here, it is important for us to.

. For the first time, when we began to sit in transitional phases, our movement began to end, unfortunately, with some key players. Therefore, we have the option to either wake up, play a little more accurately, or else we are already in danger of a goal. . Chatkovo was true, chastkovo was not,” Pozdiev said.


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