Christian Romero: I really respect Tottenham

03 August 2024, 16:52 | Football
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Gravets chilled a little shodo mozhlivy transfer.

The Argentine central defender Cristian Romero started playing in the warehouse of the London Tottenham for the 2021 season, after which the English club paid 52 million euros for his permanent transfer from Bergamasco Atalanti..

As a result, the 26-year-old Vikonavets is the leader of the “Spurs”, and at the same time is competing for a great position in the transfer market.

This summer, his transfer to another club is not possible, as the footballer himself stated.

\! I really respect Tottenham.

They have always given me great love, so I deserve to play here, at the Spurs..

Let's hope that we can win the title. “This is my mission in this team,” said the Argentine Viconn.

Last season Romero played 34 matches and scored five goals.

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