The French are waiting for the transfer.
The English striker of the London Arsenal, Yeddi Nketiah, has long been out of the category of “young and promising”, but he is still far from being in the starting warehouse of the “Gunners”.
This year the greatest moment has come for the 25-year-old Viconavian - the French Marseille is earnestly trying to sign him, and he wants to re-conquer Arsenal until the transfer of the “Provencals” is still far away, despite the new painted props this from their side, but the gravets himself has already had enough time for.
20 million euros - representatives of Ligue 1 are immediately trying to get home for as much as possible.
The contract for five years has already expired.
For the “grown” Arsenal, Nketiah played 168 matches, scoring 38 goals and providing 7 assists.