Rotan: Everything is now focused on correcting the situation after the attack in Iraq

28 July 2024, 08:10 | Football
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The Olympic team of Ukraine only needs victory in football.

Head coach of the Ukrainian Olympic football team Ruslan Rotan announced ahead of the match of the 2nd round of the group round of the 2024 Olympics with Morocco. Quote from Ukrainian UAF member.

" And those who fought against Iraq are a sport. I respect the leaders that during the game the match was won with all the show. Football is such a mess, it’s a pity. We still have a chance to get better.

I think that if we are going to overcome our victories, then we will come back. Everything is immediately focused on to rectify the situation.

Morocco, one might say, is a great rival.

His warehouse is practically a national collection, which reached the semi-finals at the world championship. For our residents this is super motivation. Tobto Morocco - a very cool team with individually strong Vikonavians. Winning from such a harvest will be a great boon for us psychologically. We are on the lookout for this, although we understand that it will be important. “But after the first time, there is no other way out for us,” Rotan said.

The match between the Olympic football teams of Ukraine and Morocco will take place today, at 18:00 Kyiv time.

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