General Director of Partizan - about those who did not shake hands with Dynamo's rivals: How to stop such unsportsmanlike behavi

24 July 2024, 18:49 | Football
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Kiyani made official calls ahead of the match of another qualifying round of the Champions League.

Partizan General Director Milos Vazura reacted to the words of Dynamo head coach Oleksandr Shovkovskiy, who, before the head-to-head match of the teams in the Champions League, condemned the participation of the Serbian club in friendly games with Russia.

\? Our country was not satisfied with the recognition of the territorial integrity of this country.

We are responsible for the knowledge that Ukraine has built up due to NATO aggression against our country, and what we should do and how we must respond to them?

Why do you want to put yourself on the podium of a moral judge and judge those outside of whom about the justice and behavior of the Serbs and gives us lessons without the need for arguments They condemned this aggression or distanced themselves from the evil committed against us?

Why is such judgment and condemnation expanding on sports fields Who has no place in sports shops. Serbia consistently avoids all military conflicts and firmly preaches peace,” quotes Vazuru from Sports Journal..

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