Klopp endorsed Vidmova's proposal to denounce the US national team

12 July 2024, 11:59 | Football
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The German, as before, wants to take a break in his career.

The great head coach of Liverpool and Borussia Dortmund, Jurgen Klopp, has endorsed Vidmova’s proposal to defeat the US national team, reports The Athletic.

Zhydno s Dzherel, 57-year leader of the US Football Federation, has not changed his decision to take a break from his coaching career after leaving Liverpool in 2024. you cannot accept her proposition.

The USA is looking for a new coach after the dismissal of Gregg Bergalter - under his leadership, the team did not manage to finish the group stage of the America's Cup, although it wanted to win the tournament.

In 2026, the United States will host the world football championship together with Canada and Mexico.

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