Baumgartner: We will have to give everything that we have, but we will also remember what we can overcome in this game

02 July 2024, 20:35 | Football
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Commentary from the sufferer on the upcoming match at Euro 2024.

Christoph Baumgartner came up with a thought for the 1/8 final match of the European Championship with Turecchina.

“We will have to give everything that we have, and we will also get what we can overcome in this game,” the official UEFA website quotes the senior manager..

" We took a few days to relax, and now we are focused again.

This will be a very special moment for football in Austria, but the most important thing is to just focus on 90 times - or perhaps 120 times.

It's all about the game, and not about those that may come after it.

A quick play of the ball after the starting whistle is our unique advantage. We want to immediately press on our superniks, we don’t want to count on the perfect pass. Our game is to be energetic, and I don’t think it’s okay that we start playing so well. Insanely, it won't hurt if you get ahead at an early stage."

The match between the teams of Turkey and Austria will take place on 2 days at 22:00 Kyiv time.

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